My name is Ashley, but to some, I'm known as a Smart Ash if you're into nicknames that make you raise an eyebrow. I'm all about following my passions, and my number one passion is creating. Whether it's nurturing plants, decorating custom birthday cakes, getting artsy in various mediums, or perfecting the art of sarcasm to keep things interesting, I'm all in. Because really, what's life without a bit of magic and a whole lot of eye rolls?
While I may be fluent in sarcasm, it's not the reason I was given the nickname "Smart Ash." 
Let's take a trip down memory lane! So, there I was, a young softball prodigy, gripping that bat like my dad's prized possession. The count is 3 balls, 1 strike, and I'm trying to decide if I should swing for the fences or just wait it out like a zen master. And in the midst of all this drama, my dear mother decides to drop some wisdom from the stands, shouting, (unintentionally might I add,) "BE SMART ASH!" in front of the whole crowd.  Apparently, my mom got side-eye glances that could rival a soap opera. But hey, eventually they realized it was just some words of encouragement and had a laugh for the unfortunate word combo... except for those still stuck in the humor-free zone. And since then, it stuck. 
While the nickname may be well-deserved in more ways than one (who wasn't a sassy teenager at some point?), I'd say I've grown into a pretty responsible, bill-paying, creative, loving, team player of an adult. Check out what I've been up to professionally
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